Finland Based Datacenter

If you'd like to host your web site within a location which is built to survive aerial attack, EMP attacks and many types of natural disasters, then our Finnish data center is the ideal option for you. Situated in a former belowground armed forces facility, it can ensure outstanding protection for all your web sites.

Also, on account of its location, this data center gives you remarkable online connectivity with Russia, Northern and Central Europe, as well as with the rest of the world. If you want your websites to attract more customers from those countries, the Finnish data center is the right choice.

  • 0.00/mo.
  • Domain Names

  • .ACADEMY - £31.43/year
  • .BARGAINS - £29.08/year
  • .CAFE - £34.25/year
  • Compare Domain Names

Linux Cloud Website Hosting in Finland

When you're searching for a truly risk-free cloud website hosting service, then you've come to the right place. Having a cloud website hosting account in our Finnish data center, not only will your site be protected against any natural disaster or even an aerial assault, but you'll in addition benefit from a 99.9% service uptime plus a 99.9% network uptime. A 24/7 technical support service backed up by a 1-hour reply time warranty is comes as standard.

An additional benefit of having your site with Zendorff is that your sites and web apps will have a substantial speed increase. All our servers use fast NVMe drives providing amazing write/read speeds and use a file system (ZFS), that is engineered in such a way as to make the most of all of the advantages provided by the NVMe drives. And then in our user friendly Hepsia Control Panel we have included as well a set of website accelerators to even further improve the loading speed of your sites.

OpenVZ Linux VPS Web Hosting In Finland

If you are searching to get a safe VPS website hosting experience, check out our OpenVZ Virtual Private Servers in our Finnish data center. They offer unparalleled levels of security. Not only will your sites be hosted inside a subterranean data center, that is, in fact, an ex-military facility, but they are also shielded by an excellent internal network. Along with our Web Hosting Control Panel, you will receive a selection of firewalls, that can filter incoming and outbound connections.

Aside from the powerful security layer, our OpenVZ VPS servers feature extremely effective hardware and extremely quick NVMe drives. Their processing power equals a dedicated server, but they are available at a lower price.


 CPU Core(s)
 Disk Space
 Monthly Traffic

Linux Semi-dedicated Hosting In Finland

The Ficolo data center is a great home for your semi-dedicated server. It gives you the necessary website hosting environment to make your multimedia sites and web applications operate smoothly: excellent regional and worldwide connectivity, top-level physical and network stability and, especially - a disaster-proof subterranean location. With the Linux semi-dedicated hosting, you will have a 99.9% network uptime guarantee.

Due to Ficolo data center's accommodating colocation policy, we've been able to use our very own cloud hosting platform, which uses NVMe-equipped servers plus the ZFS file storage system. This gives you high data processing and backup speeds. In addition to that, you will receive large CPU quotas for your demanding web sites and apps, along with generous database query quotas.

  • Service Guarantees

  • Experience trouble-free cloud website hosting solutions inside our Finnish data center. A 24/7 tech support service, a 99.9% server uptime warranty as well as a 99.9% network uptime warranty are added by default.
  • Compare Our Prices

  • Inside our Finnish data center, we offer multiple cloud hosting packages. Take a look at their prices and attributes and opt for the one that suits you best.
  • Compare our hosting plans
  • Why Us

  • If you are looking for a warranted uptime, an easy to use Control Panel along with a tech support team that will be there for you, then you are at the right place.
  • Contact Us

  • If you need more information, don't hesitate to get hold of us. Our representatives are able to answer any questions you have.