Boost your web site’s online performance by using a Linux Semi-dedicated Servers USA.

With Zendorff, you will have the option to make full use of our Linux Semi-dedicated Servers USA. They are an extraordinary blend of cloud website hosting accounts and Linux dedicated servers hosting. They feature the power of a dedicated server but do not include any kind of administration responsibilities and high month–to–month fees. In addition, your semi–dedicated server is going to be accommodated with our state–of–the–art USA based datacenter at the heart of Chicago, Illinois.

Using the Linux semi-dedicated hosting accommodated in our USA based datacenter, you will be able to use superb connectivity and power parameters the data center provides. We have also put together our tailor–made inhouse network by choosing exclusively enterprise–level hardware solutions from Juniper. In this manner, we can easily assure a 99.9% network uptime with each and every Linux Semi-dedicated Servers USA.

All of our Linux Semi-dedicated Servers USA offer our cost–free Zendorff Control Panel that has been created to be operating entirely within the cloud. This way, you are free to make use of the Control Panel, but your semi–dedicated server does not have to actually dedicate any resources to support it. The complete power is reserved for your web site solely. Another important advantage of the Zendorff Control Panel is the fact that it’s loaded with free of charge site creation tools that will drastically add to the overall performance of your website. For example, you will be able to take advantage of our collection of site accelerators , which allow for browser side caching and which can help you boost your site. You may also take advantage of our live stats tool, that will begin accumulating stats immediately the instant your web site goes live. Furthermore, actually zero setup is expected on your part.

Other US Hosting Services

The USA based datacenter is also home of several other web hosting services besides our US semi–dedicated servers. We provide cloud hosting packages built around an unequalled cloud hosting platform. Each Cloud Website Hosting USA package features a academy domain name for just £31.43 and unlimited disk space and traffic allocations. You may as well select our Linux Virtual Private Servers USA, which include NVMe disks delivering hard to beat file access speed. You can go with a Linux Dedicated Hosting Servers USA – the best web hosting solution for those who have a live video streaming web site or a CPU hungry web application.