When you host a website on a server, it employs the server's shared IP - a unique number that is used to detect a device connected to the Internet. The domain name that you use for the site is for easy accessibility and convenience of the visitors, but on a lower level, their Internet browser connects to the IP of the server. Because there are many more sites than IPs, shared website hosting servers use the very same IP for several sites even in case they belong to separate users. Even though this does not affect your site performance directly, having a dedicated IP may slightly boost the loading speed of a given site, giving it superior rankings in search engine results. Such an IP is essential for the installation of an SSL certificate too, so when you wish to secure the payment or login info that your website visitors enter, you need an IP together with the SSL.

Dedicated IP Address in Cloud Website Hosting

If you use any of our cloud website hosting packages, you can add a dedicated IP to your account in no time and assign it to any domain or subdomain with just a couple of clicks. This is valid no matter which data center you've chosen for your account throughout the signup process, therefore you're able to use this feature in our US, UK and AU facilities. This way, you can have a dedicated IP for an electronic commerce website, for example, while a forum attached to it can use the server's shared IP because you can modify each domain or subdomain independently through the Hosted Domains section of your Hepsia Control Panel. If you'd like a dedicated IP for an SSL certificate and you acquire the SSL through our company, you'll be able to use our auto-configuration tool, which will assign an IP and install the SSL automatically for the site where you want to use them.

Dedicated IP Address in Semi-dedicated Hosting

In case you have a semi-dedicated server account, adding your new dedicated IP address takes only a couple of clicks. Our Hepsia Control Panel is very simple and intuitive to use, so even if you have not had a web hosting account previously, you won't experience any difficulties to obtain and assign a dedicated IP address. Any domain or subdomain in the account can use its own IP address instead of the server's shared one and you're able to make this change in the Hosted Domains section, where you will also view all IPs that your websites can use as well as if a dedicated IP is accessible or you're already using it. If you'd like to have an IP for an SSL certificate, we have an SSL order instrument through which you will be able to select everything to be installed automatically. With this feature, our system will modify the IP of the desired domain/subdomain to a dedicated one and it will install the certificate in a matter of minutes, so you won't need to do anything on your end apart from authorizing your SSL order via e-mail.

Dedicated IP Address in VPS Web Hosting

If you get a virtual private server from us, you'll get a dedicated IP address by default and an additional one in case you obtain a hosting Control Panel (Hepsia, cPanel, DirectAdmin). You are able to use the IPs for any kind of purpose - a website, some web application such as a VOIP server, even for private name servers that you can use to point to your VPS any domain that you would like to host. You may also add extra dedicated IPs to your VPS account every time you need them. This can be done from the billing Control Panel that you'll get in order to control renewals, upgrade purchases and domain registrations and it takes just a few clicks. Shortly after you submit your order, the added IP addresses will be at your disposal, so you can use them as you see fit.

Dedicated IP Address in Dedicated Servers Hosting

Considering that you'll be able to run more or less anything on a dedicated server, all of our plans feature 3 dedicated IP addresses included by default. If you want to launch some server software or to activate an SSL certificate for a site that you host on the machine, you're able to use the IPs that we provide you with without charge. You may also register child name servers with one or two of the IP addresses for any website name that you've registered with us or somewhere else and employ them to point other domains to the dedicated server. If you own a website hosting company, for instance, the aforementioned option will contribute to your credibility as a standalone service provider. In case you need more IP addresses than the three our plans feature, you can purchase additional ones in increments of three either during the signup process or through your billing Control Panel any time.