The disk space feature shows the overall amount of information that you could have on the cloud website hosting server at one time. With a desktop computer, for example, this would be the total size of a single hard drive or the total volume of all hard drives in the event that the computer has more than one. Exactly as your space on a personal computer is divided between installed applications, docs, music etc, the server disk space is normally shared between website files, databases and email messages. Every single file, folder or e-mail will take a little storage space on the server, therefore you should consider quite a few factors, not just the size of the files that you upload. For instance, getting large e-mail attachments or using a script-driven internet site in which the user-generated info is kept in a database will also affect the hdd space you use.

Disk Space in Cloud Website Hosting

With our cloud website hosting packages, you will never worry about hard disk storage. While most providers make accounts using a single server and at some time all the server hard disk space is in use, we have implemented a cloud hosting platform where the files, email messages and databases are taken care of by separate clusters of servers. As a result, each and every machine functions better since only one type of processes is functioning on it, plus the hdd space is practically unrestricted considering that we will always add extra servers or hard disk drives to the cluster, depending on whether we require extra processing power or extra space. You will never encounter a situation when you cannot upload more files for the reason that there's no available hard disk space on your server, that is something you can come across with various suppliers. If you use our hosting services, you can rest assured that limited space won't be an issue for the growth of your web sites.

Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Hosting

If you get a semi-dedicated server package from our firm, you don't need to concern yourself with the storage space that you may use because of the simple reason that this attribute is limitless. In contrast to a number of other website hosting suppliers who promise a similar service, but make accounts on a single machine where only so much hard drives can be connected, we take advantage of an avant-garde cloud system which uses groups of servers. All your files will be located on a single cluster, the e-mail messages on a different one, the databases on a third one etcetera. This type of system gives you two major advantages - first, the disk storage will not ever finish since we can install extra servers to any cluster that requires them, and second, the servers will function much more smoothly since they'll take care of only one type of system processes. A semi-dedicated server package will give you the option to enhance your websites as much as you want.

Disk Space in VPS Web Hosting

All of our Linux VPS web hosting include a large volume of disk space so as to match all your needs and never limit the growth of your websites. Certainly, in order to manage a single resource-consuming site or a large number of smaller-sized websites, you'll need additional power in general, which means that the better the VPS plan, the more hdd space you will have. Moving between the packages is a breeze and the extra space will be included in your current account without transferring any content or stopping/restarting the server, so if you hit the space restriction of your current plan, you will be able to upgrade with a few clicks in your billing panel. As we offer you several hosting Control Panels for our virtual private servers, you're given two options for the disk space control - by using Hepsia, all sites will share the overall server storage space, while with cPanel and DirectAdmin you're able to set up separate accounts for the domains and set up an allocation for every single account.

Disk Space in Dedicated Servers Hosting

All of our Linux dedicated servers hosting have several hard drives to suit the processing power that you'll get, which means that you'll never need to be worried for not having enough hard disk storage. The hard drives can be used in RAID, i.e. one drive can be a copy of another one in order to guarantee that all your data will always be secured, alternatively it can be used on its own for even bigger overall storage space. Hundreds of gigabytes of disk space will be at your disposal at all times, which means that you will be able to manage large web sites, upload enormous files and even copy your own archive. Since a dedicated server is the most powerful kind of web hosting, you will be able to upload/download files with very quick speeds. If required, we also give you the option to include more HDDs and employ even additional storage space for your data. We offer three hosting Control Panels with the dedicated servers - using Hepsia, all domain names will share the whole server space and they will be managed in one place, while with DirectAdmin and cPanel you'll have the possibility to create individual web hosting accounts with pre-defined disk space allocations for each and every domain hosted on your server.