True Cloud Platform

We’ve created our own custom–built cloud website hosting system based on the most recent first–rate technologies. Having every service (DNSs, e–mail messages, databases, web applications, etc.) dealt with by a different physical machine, your website content will operate in the cloud and will be completely shielded against occasional downtimes and service interruptions.

True Cloud Platform

Web Hosting Control Panel

Manage your sites with just a single click

It is now so much easier to take total control of all your sites with the innovative Control Panel that we have created for you with intuitiveness in mind. Handle your website files with simple drag ’n’ drop actions, register, transfer and manage multiple domains from a single place, create e–mailboxes instantly, run electronic mailing list campaigns with ease, create and access your own databases with a simple click, check website statistics in real time, and so on. Advanced tools such as an .htaccess generator, a hotlink protection tool and a framework installer are included too.

Web Hosting Control Panel

Data Backups

Your web site content can be restored whenever you want

No site is shielded against cyber–thieves assaults. Your website could be affected even by accidental web site content deletion on your part. Thanks to our backup service, we’ll easily recover all your site content at any moment. Further than everyday server backups that we are performing, you can yourself create manual backups of all your website content with a single click of the mouse using the File Manager, which is located in your Control Panel. Simply create a compressed archive of the folder(s) that you want to manually back up and put it in a location of your preference.

Data Backups

Web Accelerators

The Web Site Accelerators (Varnish, Memcached and Node.js) integrated into the hosting Control Panel, could significantly increase the speed of your dynamic websites.

They’re meant to cache the content from your sites and hence minimize the number of requests to the database server or the application programming interface. This will help all your websites load way faster than before and will help you attract more pleased visitors, which equals minimized bounce rates.

Web Accelerators

NVMe Drives

NVMe–disk–driven cloud hosting servers

All our cloud website hosting machines are furnished with NVMe drives instead of traditional hard disks. NVMe disks boast faster read/write speeds, which implies that your web site will open faster. No additional web site modifications are needed.

By result of the outstanding connectivity options provided by all our cloud web hosting Data Centers, your website will begin to open much faster the minute you turn to us.

NVMe Drives


A secure and safe web application firewall program

Shield all your web apps (Wordpress, Joomla, PrestaShop, etc.) against hacker attacks with ModSecurity. ModSecurity is a firewall program built to secure web applications against hacker attacks. We’ve configured the firewall software in such a way as to prevent all common web site assaults instantly. By default, ModSecurity is activated for all domains, but you may disable it for any website that you want.


30–Day Money–Back Guarantee

A risk–free hosting service. You’ll receive your money back if you are not satisfied

In case, for some reason, you’re not very pleased with our cloud website hosting service or with our client support service, you will be able to make use of our 30–day MBG. All you need to do is submit a refund request via our ticket system and our sales reps will handle it. Don’t forget that domain registrations are final and nonrefundable.

30–Day Money–Back Guarantee

99.9% Server Uptime Guarantee

A 99.9 percent uptime is guaranteed

At Zendorff, we give a 99.9% server uptime guarantee. This implies that, come hell or high water, your site will be up and running and people will be able to visit it. All this is possible by reason of the custom–built cloud website hosting system that we’ve designed. It is based on a significantly modified version of SELinux (Security–Enhanced Linux) in order to ensure optimal network uptime for all cloud web hosting users.

99.9% Server Uptime Guarantee