Increased CPU quotas

More power for your web applications and web sites

The Linux semi-dedicated servers supply you with a larger percentage of the primary server's processing power when compared to typical shared hosting accounts where you share this crucial server resource with a large number of clients. This will release more operating power for your resource-consuming web sites that need to receive a greater amount of website visitors. Also, this could minimize any possible service disruptions that may occur should you exceed the lower CPU quotas on a common website hosting account.

Increased CPU quotas

Increased MySQL queries

Host busy MySQL tables without difficulty

On account of the innovative server segregation concept developed by our administrators, we’re able to allocate a prolific amount of database queries to your websites. This can help you manage dynamic sites with massive databases that’ll be frequented continuously by a great deal of customers. If you have a busy database driven web site that continues to grow on a regular basis, you’d better take into consideration relocating to a Linux semi-dedicated server well before you start exceeding the limits on your shared hosting system.

Increased MySQL queries

Control Panel

Control your sites with just a click of your mouse

It’s now very easy to maintain your sites with the next–generation Application Installer that we have created for you with ease of usage in mind. Maintain all of your files with effortless drag–n–drop steps, register, transfer and take care of multiple domains from one and the same place, create email addresses immediately, operate subscriber list promotions with ease, set up and modify your databases with a click, observe site data live, and so on). Enhanced applications including a framework installation software, an .htaccess generation tool and a hotlink protection application are enclosed too.

Control Panel

USA Data Center

A top-of-the-line USA data center

Our company is collaborating with a state-of-the-art data center facility found in the heart of Chicago, Illinois. It offers all the conditions that we want to deploy our custom-made internal network with its specialized hardware setup. The facility also offers a very good service crew available 7 days a week to check the server network and provide well timed assistance in crucial situations.

It is also worth noting that the USA based datacenter boasts great network connectivity with the entire world. This guarantees the best site loading speeds for all websites and web applications running on our US Linux semi-dedicated servers.

USA Data Center

Web Accelerators

Make your website amazingly fast

With Zendorff, you do not have to cut down code or to lower your website’s content material to make it open more rapidly. Due to the Web Site Accelerators (Varnish, Node.js as well as Memcached) integrated into the Application Installer coming with each deal, you can help make your Internet site load much faster than ever before – you could make it 10–500 times speedier!

Web Accelerators

Remote MySQL Access

Distant connecting with your data bases

If you have got a database which you would like to share across different web sites situated on several hosts and with various hosting firms, you can easily make use of the Remote MySQL feature. With it, you will grant connection to your database to all the web sites that you consider trustworthy. This is really useful when you have a database of shoppers that you would like to share among various virtual stores.

Remote MySQL Access

Enhanced Service Stability and Security

Twice safeguarded semi-dedicated hosting

By storing software programs, email messages and data bases on several machines rather than only 1, we have created a whole lot more secure web hosting workspace for your web profile. Additionally, we have decreased the web servers’ vulnerability to hacking/DDoS issues that can take offline the entire server on an ordinary shared hosting system.

Enhanced Service Stability and Security

Faster Performance

Very quick data transfer rates for all of your sites

We have enhanced the system data transfer to as much as 10 Gigabits so as to guarantee much better online connectivity and extremely fast speeds for your websites. Furthermore, we have put in additional servers in order to simplify server upkeep processes and to lower website outages. Our semi-dedicated hosting offer you NVMe drives, that have proven beyond doubt to be faster and more reliable than the conventional Hard Disk Drives.

Faster Performance

NVMe Drives

Instantly enhance the performance of your site

If you want to grant your website a performance boost, all you have to do is simply web host it with us. All of our Linux semi-dedicated hosting have NVMe drives, so on every single server you’ll enjoy incomparable reading/writing rates, that will help your webpage open more speedily.

Added to the superb connectivity provided by our USA based datacenter, your website will start running more quickly without the requirement for any adjustments on your end.

NVMe Drives