A pioneering virtualization tool

A kernel-based server virtualization

The most significant advantage of the KVM server virtualization platform is that it’s built into the host server’s OS, cutting the need for any additional virtualization layers. This goes to say that there’s no requirement for a supplementary software program that sits between the host server and the virtual machines that have been set up. This also excludes the virtualization layer as a possible SPOF (single point of failure). All this leads to faster and substantially more reliable KVM-powered VPSs in comparison to other VPSs.
A pioneering virtualization tool

A significantly improved resource utilization

Efficient use of system resources

Generally, virtual servers demand an additional layer between them and the physical host machine to handle resource management. This suggests a considerably curtailed amount of available resources for the virtual servers themselves. With KVM, this extra layer is removed, as the virtualization platform itself is built straight into the host machine’s Operating System. This is why, all the resources offered by the host machine can be used by the KVM-based VPSs that have been created. This system resource availability provides you with that extra edge you need to make your sites and web apps distinctly distinguishable from the competition.
A significantly improved resource utilization

NVMe–built VPS Hosting Options

Increase your website’s performance with our NVMe–driven Virtual Private Servers

Each of the Linux KVM virtual private servers available at Zendorff comes built with NVMe drives as an alternative to ordinary HDD disks. Having NVMes on your VPS can be a fantastic benefit for your web sites. NVMes provide you with greater reading/writing connections and also permit quicker document admission. This essentially shows that all the stuff on your web server will operate quicker, including all of your sites and web applications.

NVMe–built VPS Hosting Options

An OS of your choice

Select the OS that fits your needs most

With a KVM-based virtual server, you will be truly independent of the host server Operating System-wise. The KVM virtualization approach permits virtual machines to interact directly with the physical machine’s hardware components, without having to go through a superfluous virtualization layer. Thus, with the correct ISO image, you can install any Operating System that can run on your server
An OS of your choice

Assembly and Problem–Solving

Our sys admins are all set to help you with all software program setups

In case you would like to deploy a special app for your site or if there is a really challenging issue with your site that you do not know how to resolve, our competent system administrators will give you a hand. Using the Assembly and Problem–solving solution, you could hire our program administrators to carry out the hard work for you.

Assembly and Problem–Solving

Server Backup

We are able to recover your fundamental information whatever the case

We are aware of how disturbing it could be to lose the content material of your website inadvertently. This is why we deliver a content backup service with each individual Linux KVM virtual private server. Our experienced server experts will copy everything on the server – from your webpage’s data and data bases to your Apache settings and PHP configurations.

Server Backup

A Free Dedicated IP

One dedicated IP free with each VPS

With each Linux KVM virtual private server, you’re going to get hold of a dedicated IP absolutely free.

A Free Dedicated IP

No Set–up Charges

No hidden fees. No excess payments.

By rule, the Linux KVM virtual private servers are way more solid than the ordinary website hosting accounts and are by result more expensive. In order to optimize the renting price of a Linux KVM virtual private server, we have tried our best to cut down the configuration costs and we will not ask you for any VPS configuration fees. Furthermore, we won’t request virtually any special costs after your VPS starts operating. The price tag that you see on our site is the end fee that you will be charged each month.

No Set–up Charges

Complete Root Server Access Rights

Unrestricted admittance to your web server

With each of our Linux KVM virtual private servers (with cPanel), we ensure that you get total root admittance, to make sure you would have absolute control over precisely how the host functions. If you want, you are able to uninstall the Operating System and install a brand new one. You could re–setup PHP and Apache or add completely new software that is not accessible with the shared hosting packs. And if you require advice with any of these operations, you can anytime make the most of our Installation & Troubleshooting pack.

Complete Root Server Access Rights

CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu

Pick the Linux OS version that you want

With each individual Linux KVM virtual private server, you are able to go for Linux OS version you will be working with – CentOS, Ubuntu or Debian.

CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu

VPS Features

The Linux KVM virtual private servers are configured for all kinds of tasks

We have carefully decided on the features of each of our Linux KVM virtual private servers. That way, we can be certain that all our hosting server package deals will serve you in the best way – starting with our smallest Linux KVM virtual private server, which is excellent for 1 media–heavy web page or a small web app server, to our most powerful Linux KVM virtual private server, which could turn into the foundation of a fully–fledged reseller hosting home business. All Linux KVM virtual private servers are found on very efficient, custom–designed control web servers to guarantee a steady environment for you to put together and control your web sites.

VPS Features

Our Service–level Warranties

24 hours help and support and no startup fees

Your own Linux KVM virtual private server will be configured in about 60 min after sign–up. We will not charge you any installation costs, so the price you see on the web site is the end cost for the VPS. We have put in energy and time in establishing our own inner network and we are able to warrant a 99.9% network uptime for your VPS. In case you demand assistance with any of the pre–installed in advance apps, you are able to take advantage of our help service 24/7/365.

Our Service–level Warranties

Hepsia Reseller Tools

Earn money thanks to your server

Experience the power of the Zendorff web hosting dashboard in launching your own wholesale web hosting business effortlessly. Utilize the Account Management feature to create up to five separate sub-accounts, each one of them ripe for selling to your chosen clientele. Even if reselling hosting isn't your main focus, leveraging extra client accounts can effectively balance out maintenance server expenses. Please bear in mind that while Managed Services packages are provided, help with billing or client support is not within our capacity.

Hepsia Reseller Tools